SUNY GCC - 十大靠谱赌博平台

兽医技术人员在私人诊所和动物园与兽医一起工作, 动物收容所, 野生动物设施, 在实验室里. 一些技术人员在制药公司工作, 宠物食品公司或诊断实验室.


The 兽医技术 Program at GCC is a selective curriculum that requires two years of full-time study.  课程包括:

  • 解剖学与生理学
  • 药学与药理学
  • 营养
  • 实验动物技术
  • 小型和大型动物病理学和护理
  • 外科护理与麻醉
  • 放射学和牙科
  • 临床化验技术

You will complete three externships with hands-on training in veterinary practices alongside licensed veterinary technicians and veterinarians. Small class sizes will allow you to work closely with helpful faculty who work in the field and stay up to date on the latest developments in veterinary medicine. 学生还需要完成包括英语在内的通识教育课程, 心理学, 历史, 和数学, 以获得应用科学十大靠谱赌博平台(A.A.S.)学位.


我们的使命是为学生提供优质的教育, 教他们兽医学领域的知识, 实用的动手技能, 关怀病人护理, the enrichment of the human-animal bond and the complexity of issues related to environmental and public health.



08/21下午5:30到6:45 兽医科技资讯会在线注册


Admission to the 兽医技术 Degree program requires that you complete the following steps:

1. 参加有关兽医技术项目的信息会议

在介绍会上, 我们将讨论兽医技术作为职业选择, the prerequisites needed for entrance into the program as well as the courses you will take once you are in the program, 金融方面, 以及毕业后的许可程序. The dates and times of the information sessions will be available on this Vet Tech webpage or by calling the Vet Tech office at 585-343-0055 extension 6185. 优先预订. You may bring an unofficial transcript of the courses you have taken already and the Program Director and a member of the 招生 team will be able to go over them with you to see exactly what courses you will need to take for admission into the Vet Tech program.

2. 满足兽医技术计划的先决条件


  • 良好的数学、英语和阅读能力. 你可以参加ACT, SAT或实习测试来证明你在这些领域的熟练程度. 欲了解更多信息,请致电学生成功中心585-343-0055分机. 6262.
  • 大学化学,CHE100或以上,成绩C或以上.
  • Biology requirement includes one of the following: High School Biology Regents exam with a grade of 75 or higher OR AP Biology with a grade of 3 or higher OR college biology course such as BIO104 (cell biology) with a grade of C or higher.

3. 填写GCC申请表格

如果您目前不是GCC学生,您需要填写一份 网上申请GCC. 注明主修兽医技术. 如果您目前是GCC的学生,您需要填写 节目更改申请表. 下一个秋季学期的申请必须在1月15日之前收到.

4. 你的高中和大学成绩单寄到GCC了吗

在成绩单到达之前,你的申请是不完整的. 在他们到达之前,你不能被考虑录取. Students may check on the status of their applications by calling the 招生 Department at 585-343-0055 ext.6215.

5. 完成10小时的志愿者工作经验

所有申请者必须在兽医诊所完成10小时的动物志愿者工作, 动物收容所, 一个动物园, 一个狗, 一个美容师, 或其他与动物有关的工作环境. 你的主管必须填写一份 工作经验推荐表格. Please note that this does not need to be done prior to submitting your application to the Vet Tech program, 但是需要在秋季新生入学前完成.

6. 耐心等待

The Vet Tech Director will review the applications of all individuals who have met the requirements for admission. 该项目每年只招收24名学生. 满足先决条件保证您的申请将被审查, 但不保证被录取. 主任将作出最终决定是否进入该计划.

7. 欢迎来到兽医技术项目!

如果你被录取了, 你将收到招生办公室的正式录取通知书. 被录取的申请人必须参加兽医技术项目主任的介绍会. 被录取的申请人将被通知这些课程的日期和时间. Failure to attend an orientation session will result in forfeiture of your seat in the Vet Tech Program.

请参阅我们的完整 兽医技术计划-入学程序 了解更多信息.



GCC的兽医技术项目获得了全面认证,自2017年9月起生效. 这意味着该计划已经达到了AVMA制定的严格标准. 这些标准适用于美国和加拿大的所有兽医技术项目. 该计划将于2028年再次进行审查.

For more information on accreditation of Vet Tech programs, or GCC’s accreditation, you may contact:

1931 N. 米查姆路
Schaumburg, IL 60173-4360


纽约州(NYS)以其高质量的持牌兽医技术人员而自豪.  为了保护其公民, NYS has specific license requirements that an individual must meet in order to become a licensed veterinary technician in this state.  The 兽医技术 Program at Genesee Community College has been carefully designed to meet the educational requirement for NYS licensure. Other states and US territories have their own requirements that may differ from those set in NYS.

Genesee Community College has determined that the completion of the curriculum of the 兽医技术 Associates of Applied Science Program is sufficient to meet the educational requirements for licensure, 登记 or certification of veterinary technicians in the following states and US territories: AK, AL, AZ, AR, CO, DE, DC, FL, GA, HI,  ID, IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, LA, ME, MD, MA, MI, MN,  MS, MO, MT, NB, NV, NH, NJ, NM, NY, NC, ND, OH, OK, OR, PA, PR, RI, SC, TX, UT, VT, VA, WA, WI, WV, WY.

Genesee Community College cannot determine whether the curriculum of the 兽医技术 AAS Program will meet the educational requirement for licensure, 登记 or certification of veterinary technicians in the following states and US territories: CA, CT, SD, TN, 美属萨摩亚, 关岛, 属维尔京群岛, 北马里亚纳群岛联邦, 马绍尔群岛共和国, 密克罗尼西亚联邦, 帕劳共和国.

计划申请牌照的个人, 登记, or certification in states other than NY State are encouraged to meet with the Program Director to review the requirements of their state(s) of choice.



  • 第一次参加考试的考生人数 VTNE: 43
  • VTNE三年通过率:86.05%


对动物的人道关怀和使用对杰纳西社区学院至关重要. Specific concerns about the treatment of animals should be reported to the Chair of the IACUC (Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee). Specific concerns about the treatment of animals maybe reported in person, by email, or by letter. 那些登记关注的人可能包括他/她的名字,或者关注的人可能是匿名的.


  • 致GCC致“IACUC主席,保密”的信
  • 斯蒂芬妮Ortel,兽医技术项目主任,电话:585-343-0055 x6185或x6187,或 seortel@bomabearing.com
  • 玛莎·洛什堡,兽医技术项目秘书,电话:585-343-0055 x6185,或 mjlorshbaugh@bomabearing.com?

所有索赔都将被调查.  协助进行彻底的调查, 索赔应包括日期, time, 涉及的物种, 具体的动物识别号码和大学生姓名, 如果可能的话,员工或人事.

Any individual reporting a concern about animal care and use has freedom from reprisal for his/her action.

畜牧方面的问题应与设施主管讨论.  如果问题没有解决, 请联系兽医技术项目主任和任何有关的联系方式.





  1. 根据需要利用传统和电子媒体创建和更新医疗记录.
  2. 与不同的客户进行有效和专业的沟通.
  3. 解释兽医技术专业的适用法律.
  4. 应用与兽医技术专业相关的道德规范.
  5. 通过适当的途径给各种物种适当计算的药物剂量.
  6. 解释处方药物的正确用法和效果.
  7. 提供高质量的病人护理(病人评估), 畜牧业, 克制, 牙科, 营养, 以及适用于各种物种的治疗技术.
  8. 根据需要在麻醉或外科手术的所有阶段管理患者.
  9. 从各种动物物种中获取各种标本.
  10. 正确处理(处理、包装、储存和分析)实验室标本.
  11. 为多种物种提供诊断成像.





  • 临床实践
  • 动物收容所
  • 诊断实验室
  • 制药和研究实验室
  • 动物园与野生动物医学
  • 州和联邦机构
  • 农业产业


从海湾合作委员会开始为许多学生和他们的家庭节省了数千美元的学费. 以A开头.S. 或者一个.A. degree you will be able to seamlessly transfer within the SUNY network of 64 college and universities as well as to many 4-year private institutions. GCC的.S. 和一个.A. programs were developed as part of the SUNY seamless transfer initiative allowing students to complete the first two years of a bachelor’s degree as a freshman and a sophomore at a community college, 然后无缝地转到纽约州立大学的四年制学院,获得学士学位. Please reference the SUNY Transfer Pathways for degree programs to learn about any campus specific requirements. 访问 the SUNY Core 当然仪 to plan out the courses you should complete to transfer to a 4-year SUNY School.

If you are planning to transfer to a 4-year private institution you should work with our 传输服务 office to learn about possible articulation agreements and pathways that exist for many or our degree programs. 一些GCC A.A.S. 项目也有转学的机会.

要了解更多十大靠谱赌博平台这些机会和协议的信息,请联系 接送服务办事处, we are more than happy to work with you and answer any questions you may have on building your own personalized transfer plan.


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